Ron here. We’re just going to review briefly the purpose of this substack page. As you know, Bill Jr. and Bill Sr. are redoing and revamping our entire online platform. I know there have been lots of rumors floating around about it, there’s nothing to say except what Bill Jr. has said, that it’s “going to be really cool”.
For now, we’re using substack’s generous website to serve as our instructor communication and messaging system. The purpose of this substack page is for instructors to share pertinent info related to students, drive routes, curriculum questions, weather, drive schedule help, and relevant insights gained from experience.
It’s really great to see people opening up and sharing personal information. Truly. We are a community and we’re all in this together. I’d ask that you please ask yourself, is what I am about to share helpful or appropriate? Is this something I would say to someone in a conversation while out at dinner, or if I happened upon them at the corporate offices?
It’s a journey. We’re all on a drive collectively. Let’s do our best please and try to keep things professional. Also, I know politically there are various views, and I know there is also a lot of disagreement and contentiousness in the world today, but here at Suwheet we are building a place of positive language and growth, so let’s do our best to come together in that place. Good things grow there and can be shared there, in spite of it all.
Here is a photo I kept on my clipboard while I was an instructor, it reminded me the road was open, no matter the student, the car, myself, or the drive.
Thanks. Ron
Terry stopped by corporate a few minutes ago and through gesture let me know he will be off the message board for awhile, as he is apparently taking a vow of silence. but if anyone wants to join him at woodland park to work on his ashram , he’ll be there tues and thursday nights if the cops allow — i think that was the last part, he was shining a flashlight and I think what appeared to be a gun -Darby
Okay everyone, see, one shout all together, wherever you are — Altering the driving life! suwheet! Ron